A Story of Impact

A Story of Impact

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A Story from Our Executive Director

I spent the morning of Friday, November 3rd shadowing our hospital staff. It was a meaningful and impactful experience. I was truly impressed.

There was one thing that happened that day - that impacted me deeply - and I want to tell you about it. What we do here matters. And we can't do it without you!

A Red Shouldered Hawk...

On the day I was shadowing in the hospital, a Red-Shouldered Hawk was brought in. He was a stunningly beautiful creature. I've never been that close to a Hawk before. Beautiful colors, regal in presentation - they are such majestic birds. I was immediately in love...


These are normally energetic and feisty birds. Note the gloves worn by our handsome and talented Senior Hospital Technician - Jonathan Hande. It was his job to hold the bird securely during this exam so that no injury would come to the bird or our staff.

But...this hawk was completely non-responsive. He didn't make a sound. He didn't move. At all. I didn't think he had a chance.

A Full Examination...

He got a full examination from our rockstar veterinarian - Dr. Passarelli, and her team. They methodically inspected the bird from top to bottom...while also trying to expedite the process so as not to "over handle" the bird - which can cause problems of its own.

No Signs of Physical Trauma...

He exhibited no signs of physical trauma. Nothing was broken. No lacerations, no signs of impact or other clues that might tip us off as to what was going on.

They can't tell us...

It's very challenging when your patient can't tell you where it hurts. And this is why having knowledgeable staff and giving them the proper equipment is so important.

Dr. P drew blood and ran several tests on our new feathered friend. All the while - she was teaching me and the hospital staff about the blood testing equipment and about the process she was undergoing.

Diagnosis - RAT POISON!

Dr. P determined that the bird had ingested a rodenticide - or rat poison. These poisons often contain warfarin or a similar active ingredient, designed to function as an anticoagulant. They induce death in rodents by causing damage to tiny blood vessels and causing internal bleeding. They also inhibit the production of Vitamin K - which is essential for normal blood clotting.

With this knowledge in hand - the staff started providing the Hawk with continuous fluids to flush out his system, along with regular doses of Vitamin K.

He responded amazingly well to treatment.

19 DAYS LATER:  Dr. P gave ME the honor of releasing him back into his old neighborhood! It was my first ever release - and so cool because I was there when he came into the hospital. I'm hooked!!!




This Could NOT have happened without You!!!

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